Can I Interest You in a Redesigned Website?
November 22, 2016
We've Redesigned Our Website
Just in Time for the Holiday Rush!
Friends, recently I was approached by the good people in Old Trapper Information Technology - that's OT/IT around here - and told that our web site was feeling mighty stale and it would serve our customers well to freshen things up a bit.
As you know, my beloved customers are always my highest priority so I provided the OT/IT crew the green light they needed to redesign our beloved online home. Today I'm proud to announce the project's completion and hope you all take some time to poke around a bit and maybe buy a tasty meat snack or two. I would be much obliged.
All My Best,
P.S. - I'm told the new site works great on mobile, but I have no idea what that means. Are people really carrying whole computers around with them these days?