Las Vegas, Here I Come
October 8, 2015
Hello Friends,
After a lifetime spent wanderin' the western wilderness, I've taken pleasure in settlin' down a bit over these last few years. But even as I indulge my secret desire for hearth and home, I feel that travelin' bug itchin' 'neath my skin and I know it's time to pack my bedroll and do a bit of ramblin'. SO I'M COMIN' TO VEGAS!! I know, Vegas probably isn't a place you'd expect to find this Old Trapper, but I'm full of surprises. I want to go where the people are. I want to commune with my fans and spread the gospel of the World's Best Beef Jerky to the uninitiated. Durin' my trip, I'll be bringin' jerky samples and assorted goodies to these fine establishments:Orleans Hotel Gift Shop October 11th, 2015 from 4pm-6pm 4500 W Tropicana Ave Las Vegas, NV 89103
The Beef Jerky Store October 12th, 2015 from 4pm-6pm 112-B N. 3rd Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
Green Valley Grocery October 13th, 2015 from 3:30-5:30 9692 So. Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89123
But That's Not All
It won't all be work for yours truly. I'll also be doin' some sightseein' whilst visitin' that desert oasis. If you'd like to say hello, keep an eye out for a handsome man dressed completely in buckskins. Or, you can follow the hashtag #VivaLasTrapper on Twitter and Instagram for clues as to my whereabouts. If you can find me, I'll bestow upon you Trapper swag beyond your wildest dreams. Hopefully I'll be seein' lots of you real soon. Vegas, here I come!All My Best,