Pop Quiz!

Pop Quiz!

The first day of school is right around the corner and your kids will need a hearty snack that will get them through their day.

Old Trapper at Chalkboard with Math Problem

The Answer is Clear

Old Trapper Beef Jerky is the Perfect Back to School Snack!

The first day of school is right around the corner and your kids will need a hearty snack that will get them through their day.

OId Trapper Beef Jerky is packed full of the lean protein that your kids will never trade for something like **GULP** a banana.

Stock Up for School

Shop in Bulk!

Got lots of big appetites in your house? Buy the Big Beef Box and enjoy bulk savings. There's enough beef jerky here to keep your family satisfied for weeks!

Cool Kids Only

Still shopping for back-to-school clothes? Buy your home team Old Trapper "Beef" snapback hats and they'll automatically be the coolest kids on the block. 

Check Out the Hats 

All My Best,

Old Trapper Cursive Signature