Trapper's Letter to Santa
December 22, 2016
Hello Friends,
Christmas is nearly here and no doubt you're all busy putting the final touches on gifts, parties, and family gatherings. One person who'll be working right up until the last minute is Santa Claus. That jolly old elf hasn't quite figured out how to do some of his work ahead of time and instead must scramble all over the face of the earth in less than a day's time. Maybe those reindeer could teach him a little something about working smarter, not harder. Rudolph? Comet? I know you read my blog...
Last Minute Requests
Of course it doesn't help Saint Nick that we all wait to make our requests until November or December. Maybe if we all committed to writing our letters in August, it would make things a little easier for him. And frankly, Santa's not any younger. He could probably use the help.
Something Different This Year
With all this in mind, I decided to take a different approach in this year's letter to Santa. Instead of telling him what I wanted, I asked him to do something nice for someone else. It read:
Dear Mr. Nicholas,I do appreciate your prompt attention to all my dispatches, as I know how pressed for time you are during this season. I do not write for myself today; fortunately there's not much my life lacks. Instead, I'm writing on behalf of children in hopes you'll make this Christmas extra special by providing them all a snow day. Those tots will love the extra day off and it's a great way for them to get some proper exercise. I know you get tired of endless trays of cookies, so instead I'll be leaving a generous supply of beef jerky. I know Old Fashioned is your favorite. Much obliged and until next time...
Hopefully Santa will grant my request, and there's no reason he shouldn't. I've been a very good boy this year. Plus the promise of delicious Old Trapper beef jerky can't hurt. Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!