Trapper's Log

Trapper Pairings: Old Fashioned

Hello Friends, On four previous occasions, I've shared my expert suggestions for pairings meant to enhance the experience of eating each of my beef jerky flavors. Today I will complete the cycle an...

Trapper Pairings: Peppered

Hello Friends, I'm often asked, "Mr. Old Trapper, how did you become the world's greatest maker and purveyor of beef jerky and other related smoked snacks?" Okay, maybe they don't ask me that verba...

Trapper Pairings: Hot & Spicy

Hello Friends, As you know, it's been my business of late, to help my faithful customers live their best beef jerky life by offerin' pairin' suggestions for each delicious Old Trapper flavor. Firs...

Trapper Pairings: Barbecue

What with this extended run of exceptionally warm weather and the three-day holiday weekend, I imagine y'all have been enjoyin' some extended time out-of-doors and cookin' a few of your meals over ...

Trapper Pairings: Chipotle

Hello Friends, As a highly recognizable public Trapper, I'm oft approached by fans and loyal customers as I'm out amongst the American People. These interactions are always flatterin' to man who's ...