Trapper's Log

Trapper To Do Lists

Technology is a Blessin' I'm mighty busy nowadays what with the beef jerky business in full swing and me bein' a full-blown celebrity slash cultural phenomenon. With so many responsibilities pressi...

#TrapperBeefs No. 42: Selfies

Old Trapper Beefs #42: Selfies The Old Trapper doesn't understand this selfie business. But that shouldn't be surprising. He saw his first camera yesterday. Still, he managed to start a hashtag. H...

#TrapperBeefs No. 31: Swagger Jackers

Old Trapper Beefs #31: Swagger Jackers Leather's the hot look this season and The Old Trapper has style to spare. The fashion icon's been spotted at the areas' hottest night spots rocking the fine...

The Old Trapper Father's Day Gift Guide

Hello Friends, In just a few days, families across America will pause on a sunny summer Sunday to honor the institution of fatherhood. It's a noble undertakin', the raisin' of children, and one not...

Trapper Pairings: Chipotle

Hello Friends, As a highly recognizable public Trapper, I'm oft approached by fans and loyal customers as I'm out amongst the American People. These interactions are always flatterin' to man who's ...

Graduation Advice from The Old Trapper

Wisdom? I have a bit As the calendar turns from May to June I am inevitably asked my opinion as to the state of today's youths as they graduate from this country's high schools and institutes of h...

The 2015 Sweets and Snacks Expo

Sweet Dreams Old Trapper visited the windy city this week showcasing the world's best beef jerky at the National Confectioners Association's Sweets and Snacks Expo. Here's a view from our space on...

Urban Living with The Old Trapper

Hello Friends, Have any of y'all ventured into the city as of late? Business recently called for me to travel from my forest home into the beatin' heart of the metropolis known as Portland, Oregon ...
Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Dear Mom, No card or gift or bouquet would be adequate recognition for all you've done for me over these many, many, many years. It must have been a trial mothering an Old Trapper, even when he was...